Monday, December 13, 2010

Future Glimpse - Kindle Bestseller! (Kindle Edition)

Future Glimpse - Kindle Bestseller!
Future Glimpse - Kindle Bestseller! (Kindle Edition)
By Melanie Nelson

Buy new: $7.95
Customer Rating: 5.0

First tagged by Christina Easley
Customer tags: mel comley, rebirth, dreams, gift idea, angels, secret societies

Review & Description

Karen's strange new life starts when she wakes up in a strange place, with a strange man she has never met, and wearing clothes she has never seen. The image she sees in the mirror reflects an older version of herself. She went to sleep at seventeen, but awoke to be twenty-two and her family fearing she has amnesia. But this couldn't be farther from the truth and it doesn't take Karen long to realize she has the ability to shift through time. Not only was she seventeen in a twenty-two year old body, five years in the past, an older Karen is having the same dilemma, but in a seventeen year olds body. You'll feel what it's like as this experience only becomes one of many and the shifts through time become unpredictable, frightening and new to Karen. And danger lurks just around the corner as time behaves badly putting Karen and others around her in mortal danger. Read more

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